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First Visit

About Your Consultation at Wellesley Plastic Surgery

Your consultation will take place at our office in the Wellesley suburb of Boston.

We set no limits on consultation time. Dr. Arthur Shektman will spend as much time with you as is necessary to answer all of your questions and to make sure you understand the procedure and all of your options. The cost of the consultation is $150. Should you choose to proceed, the $150 will be credited towards the procedure.

What Do I Need to Bring With Me to the Consultation?

In order to minimize the risk of identity fraud, we ask you to bring a photo ID with you. Also, it would be helpful if you brought a written list of questions you want to ask Dr. Shektman. If you are coming in for a second opinion or for a consultation for a revision surgery, please bring any paperwork you may have from your previous procedure.

How Can I Get to Your Office?

We are conveniently located about twenty miles west of downtown Boston and are easily reachable by MassPike or Route 9 from the East or West suburbs, and Route 128/95 from North and South direction. There is plenty of free parking in the back of our office building, and for those who do not wish to drive, there is a Commuter Line (purple) stop directly across the street from the office.

How Can I Make an Appointment for a Consultation?

To make an appointment, you can call us at (781) 239-0680 or fill out our online form. All appointments must be secured with a valid credit card, and it will not be charged until you come in for the consultation.

At that time you may choose to use the card you gave us or to use a different form of payment. However, if you do not come in for your appointment without giving us a 24-hour notice via a phone call or an email message, then we will charge your card the full $150 consult fee.

Ready to Get Started?
