You’ve decided to get a facelift. You’ve found a qualified, experienced facelift surgeon that you’re comfortable with and it’s time to schedule the surgery. You’re probably very excited and maybe a little nervous. Being prepared can help calm your nerves and make the procedure easier on you. Fortunately, there are many ways you can prepare for a facelift surgery to help the process go smoothly and speed up your recovery. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you prepare for your facelift.
Preparation for your facelift surgery begins with a consultation with your surgeon. During your first visit the surgeon will likely prepare you by doing the following:
A responsible surgeon will examine your skin, neck, and facial bone structure during the physical exam. Any scars, asymmetry, or skin fluctuations will be examined so the surgeon can recommend the best surgical technique for you. Photos may be taken at this time for the record.
Again, you should be honest with your surgeon. Explain why you want the procedure and the results you’re expecting. Listen carefully to the risks and benefits as described by the surgeon. This is a great time to ask any questions that you may have regarding the facelift.
As an elective surgery, you have a good amount of control of when the procedure will take place. Be sure to schedule it for a time when you’re feeling healthy and have sufficient time to prepare for and recover from the procedure.
Here are a few things you’ll want to take care of prior to your facelift. Of course, you should consult with your surgeon first and follow any guidelines or directions given. Your surgeon has your best interest in mind and will be sure to give you helpful tips for making sure your surgery goes as smoothly as possible with a rapid healing time.
You will most likely be asked to wash your hair and face both the night before and the morning of your facelift procedure.
Your surgeon will let you know how soon it is safe to eat before the surgery, but it’s likely that you will be directed to not eat anything after midnight the night before your procedure is scheduled.
Certain over the counter drugs such as aspirin and supplemental herbs have a blood thinning effect. It’s important to discontinue their use before the surgery to prevent excess bleeding
After the facelift procedure has been performed you will feel the effects of the sedatives or anesthetic wearing off. It is not safe to drive yourself home immediately following the surgery. You’ll want to be sure you arrange for someone you know to take you home after the procedure is completed.
After your surgery you’ll want to relax and allow your body to heal. Clean your house, stock it with post-surgery friendly foods such as pudding and crackers, and arrange for help caring for children or pets.