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Recovery Time for a Breast Lift Procedure

You take good care of your body, You try to stay healthy and young and you are proud of the accomplishment. However, there is one area that you cannot fix in the gym. That is breasts that droop and sag. Even with push-up bras, you just feel aged and odd. There are so many factors that cause sagging of the breasts. They include:

  • Being large breasted and wearing the wrong bra
  • Having children and/or breastfeeding
  • Gravity
  • Age

No one can make this decision but you. It requires the help of a breast lift surgery center and recovery time. While the pain is minimal, you will be able to manage it. If you are doing this for your own reasons, then go for it. But think very hard before you have this done. If you are only doing this to make someone else happy, you need to reevaluate the seriousness of a breast lift.

A breast lift is a procedure to reshape the breast, raise them, and make them feel firm to the touch. No muscles are worked with. The breast lift procedure simply tightens and reshapes the breast to produce a more perky form.

Many women hesitate because they are afraid of how long they will be unable to return to work. So let us give you a rundown of the recovery period.

What You Should Know

Every patient is different. Some heal faster than others. Specifics will be discussed between you and your doctor.

Even though you may feel fine, you must take care of yourself. It takes a full year to completely heal. With that said, here are the standard steps that most women can expect.

  • No going to work or going to school for 1 week
  • No picking up anything heavier than a glass of water for 4-5 days
  • Heavy lifting for at least 4-6 weeks
  • You will be given narcotics for the first 5 days after surgery
  • When the narcotics are finished, you will be allowed to take over the counter pain meds
  • When you first have surgery, you will probably be wrapped in elastic bandages, this is to absorb drainage and to reduce swelling. Do not take them off until the doctor moves you up to a special bra.
  • When you first have surgery, you will wear a special bra for 3-4 weeks.
  • When you no longer need the special bra, you will wear a sports bra for one full year

Women often ask when they can get back to their normal routine. The answer to that is, it depends on your normal routine. If your regular routine means going to the gym for a workout three times a week, it could be a couple of months. If you are talking about going shopping with your friends then out for cocktails, then normal will come much faster.

A breast lift makes you feel better about yourself. It doesn’t make you a different person. Remember, you are already pretty special. You do not need validation. But if you want to restore your body to a younger and sexier form, then make an appointment with a plastic surgeon today.

Ready to Get Started?
