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Tag Archives: Face

  1. Does a Facelift Leave Scars?

    If you’re considering getting a facelift procedure then you probably have many questions. One question that is often asked is “Does a facelift leave scars?” Here is the information you need to know about scarring following a facelift. Why do scars form after surgery? Whenever the skin is cut, a scar is formed from the… Read More

  2. How To Prepare for a Plastic Surgery Consultation

    Once you have scheduled your consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon, then you should use the time beforehand to prepare. Preparing for the consultation in advance will ensure that you feel comfortable and you’ll be able to ask the questions you want to prior to your surgery. Here are some tips for ways to prepare… Read More

  3. Recovery Time for an Eyelid Lift Procedure

    All surgeries require a recovery period to allow the body to properly heal itself. This applies to cosmetic surgeries, too. When a person has a blepharoplasty procedure, otherwise known as an eyelid lift procedure, they are subject to a recovery period just like any other procedure that involves incisions. Fortunately, you can prepare for this… Read More

  4. Does an Eyelid Lift Leave Scars?

    Having surgery done can be a cause of anxiety for some people. There are many questions to be asked before any surgery and it’s only natural to feel a bit nervous. One cause of anxiety among people considering an elective, cosmetic surgery is the possibility of scarring following the procedure. Some people imagine that eyelid… Read More

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