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Category Archives: Non-Surgical

  1. Which Method Is Best For Getting Rid Of Double Chins?

    A double chin (what doctors call “submental fat”) may be an indication of obesity or weight gain, but not always. Double chins have a variety of causes such as age, diet, weight, anatomy, and even genetic factors. If you’ve developed a double chin and you’re not pleased with it, this is for you. Luckily, a… Read More

  2. What Is It Like To Undergo Intravenous Anesthesia?

    If you have chosen to get plastic surgery or if you are considering a cosmetic procedure in the Boston area, you are probably excited about the improvements you anticipate, but you may have some reticence or anxiety about intravenous anesthesia. Every cosmetic surgical procedure requires the use of local anesthesia. When complicated surgery or multiple… Read More

  3. Botox/Xeomin for Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

    What Is Bruxism? Bruxism is excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching. It is unrelated to normal functions such as eating or talking. It often occurs at night, without patients being aware of what is happening. What Are the Symptoms of Bruxism? Teeth grinding or clenching, which may be loud enough to wake up your sleeping… Read More

  4. Tips For A Healthy Recovery Following A Surgical Procedure

    Recovery from a cosmetic surgical procedure may be quick and easy for some patients, but for most of us here in New England, a full and successful recovery will take a little more time and effort. It is important to understand that the recovery process following plastic surgery will be different for every patient. What… Read More

  5. Xeomin, Botox, and Fillers are Not Interchangeable

    It has become increasingly clear to me that people often use the terms “Botox” and “dermal filler” interchangeably, thinking that they are either one and the same or that they perform essentially the same function. Since that is not at all the case, let us talk about each one individually. Botox and Xeomin Botox is… Read More

  6. What Should You Know About InstaLifts?

    In the past, facelift surgery was the only remedy for facial skin laxity problems like drooping jowls and cheeks. However, if you’re unwilling or unable to undergo facelift surgery, there are now other options, and you may want to discuss those options with a Boston cosmetic surgeon. Many of us would like the youthful look… Read More

  7. The Unintentional Pros of Botox

    In a world dominated by filters, Instagram, and the perceived glamour of reality television, it can feel as though everyone has found a way to freeze the aging process. Many of us are confronted with endless images of lineless women and men daily. Their smooth, shiny foreheads have become common when painting a picture of… Read More

  8. How Can I Prepare for my Procell Micro Channeling Therapy Treatment?

    Procell therapies bring together professional micro channeling technology and human stem cell science to dramatically improve the appearance of your skin. Procell Micro-channeling (the next generation of micro-needling) & Stem Cell Therapy was developed in America, by a Licensed Aesthetician and a Board-Certified Dermatologist. A Procell micro-channeling treatment may dramatically improve the appearance of your… Read More

  9. What are the Benefits and Risks of Fillers and Fat Injections?

    If you wish to aesthetically enhance the smooth, youthful appearance of your face, or possibly improve the overall symmetry of parts of your body, fillers and fat injections may be used for either procedure. When you initially consult with your Wellesley or Boston cosmetic surgeon and explain the outcome you are looking for, they can… Read More

  10. How Much Does Plastic Surgery Cost?

    The cost of plastic surgery varies widely and depends on the type of surgery performed. Cosmetic surgeries are not all the same. A Mommy Makeover that includes a breast lift, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and dermal filler will be much more complex, time-consuming, and costly than a simple eyelift surgery. The cost will… Read More

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