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Tag Archives: Blepharoplasty

  1. The Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures For Males

    It’s no secret that society places a high value on looking healthy and young. Historically, cosmetic surgery has been sought predominantly by women, but today, men of all ages are seeking cosmetic surgery for a variety of reasons. Exactly what cosmetic procedures are men seeking? What are their goals? What should a man know before… Read More

  2. How Is Eyelid Surgery Performed?

    Blepharoplasty is a common type of cosmetic surgery, otherwise known as eyelid surgery. As a person gets older, their skin loses the elasticity it once had, causing it to droop and even cause wrinkles. While a common part of aging, it can really change the way a person feels about their once perky appearance. Seeing… Read More

  3. How Do I Know If My Side Effects After Surgery are Normal?

    Accredited plastic surgeons perform hundreds of types of procedures to help their patients get the look they want to achieve, or repair injuries due to burns, scarring, major facial damage, etc. In any type of surgery, complications can occur, but the doctor usually provides detailed post-op instructions on what to do to fully recover and… Read More

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